Phase 97: Nov 2020

Current Phase

Please register your Gold and Silver goals in the form titled “Register your goals here” at the very bottom of this page. Feel free to scroll down and browse other participants’ goals and progress notes.

If you haven’t done so before, we recommend spending 1-2 minutes to register your username. This is optional.

Here is the format for goal statements:

[Gold|Silver]: [Your goal] / [How old (in months) is this goal (how many months ago was it when you first knew you want to do this and you had all the resources you need to take actions?)].

Click here for description and examples about the format.

Here is to you accomplishing your goals!

One response to “Phase 97: Nov 2020

  • Mazyar

    0.5 G1: Have spent 3h/w on Gemfire

    G2: Have done 4+ yoga sessions
    1/4, was great!

    G3: Have been up-to-date with all Gemfire listings
    – Had a refreshing conversation with J. From C.G.

    1/4 G4: Have taught 4 guitar classes

    G5: Have had outdoor activities 2+ times

    1/3 G6: Have seen 3 live Jazz events

    √ G7: Have purchased laptop
    Got a great deal.

    √ G8: Have posted ad for AB or have rental agreement with seller

    √ G9: Have prepared XT re: EOY/tax

    G10: Have signed up for VSO Jazz guitar classes on modal improvisation

    √ G11: Mortage is finalized.

    √ G12: AB closing is done.

    S1: Have purchased IVAR shelving unit

    G1: have done skiing 2 times

Register your goals here: